What Are the Outcomes of Jean Monnet Dialogue Process?

By Aleksandra Dukovska in Skopje

Excerpts of the news conference after Jean Monnet Dialogue 2 Process in the Assembly of North Macedonia on June 23, 2019.

One week before the end of their mandates as members of the European Parliament eight term three MEPs Eduard Kukan, Knut Fleckenstein and Ivo Vajgl met with coordinators of the political parties represented in the Assembly of North Macedonia within the Jean Monnet Dialogue process.

Excerpts of the meeting of MEPs with Speaker Talat Xhaferi and sessions withing the Jean Monnet Dialogue on July 22, 2019.

After two days of intensive discussions in the Parliament, the different members of the Parliament agreed on issues related to the rule of procedure. Ivo Vajgl, MEP of Slovenia (ALDE Group) who co-chaired with the Speaker Talat Xhaferi the session on the reform of the rule of procedure stated he is “impressed of the ability of the leaders of the different political parties to discuss openly.”

Even though impressed that a compromise was possible, Vajgl admitted that “there are some outstanding issues” were the members of the parliament could not reach a decision. “We have a commitments of all parties to continue and to deliver in a very foreseeable future,” said Vajgl in his opening remarks at a news conference, which start was prolonged for about 90 minutes than it was previously scheduled.

In his opening remarks, Eduard Kukan MEP of Slovakia (EPP) confirmed it was not possible to “conclude discussions and some of the issues left open.” He thanked the colleagues of “Собрание“, as he stated that “it was an agreement” the open issue would be “tackled.”

Upon a questions by reporters, Speaker Talat Xhaferi explained that some of the issues were not agreed are related to the impunity of the members of the parliament. “There is a part of the work in relation to legislative immunity, procedure of revocation and possibility to return it back,” said Xhaferi after a question of a reporter Katerina Neskova of a private broadcaster Sitel TV.

Xhaferi confirmed that the members of the Parliament agreed on the procedure for the inaugural session of the Parliament to avoid possible disagreements as it was I the days before the plenary session on April 27, 2017, upon a question by a reporter Vasko Magleshov of Makfax news agency.

After the official talks the MEP left for a dinner with the presidents of the eight political parties or groups represented in the Assembly. Neither of the three members of the European Parliament is re-elected for the Ninth term of the EP, which should begin on July 2. Their mandate ends on July 1. In the first round of Jean Monnet Dialogue, members of the Parliament discussed Parliamentary Code of Ethics.

June 24, 2019 11:04 a.m. CEST

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