House Speaker Pelosi Orders Impeachment Inquiry Against President Trump

Time: 12:26 a.m. CEST

The US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced the House would launch “a formal impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump,” the Associated Press reports. The request should fine of Trump abused “his presidential powers and sought help from a foreign government for his reelection.” According to Pelosi, “no one is above the law.” The probe comes after reports that Trump asked pf Ukraine’s president to “investigate Democratic foe Joe Biden and his son.”

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy blasted House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for launching a formal impeachment inquiry into President Trump, CNN reports.

This is the biggest confrontation between the Democrats and President Trump. Trump, who addressed the United Nations today said the impending inquiry is a “witch hunt.” CNN reports that Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris posted on Twitter that “he must be impeached.” As Harris stated, he “puts his political interest over our national interest.”

Soon after Pelosi made her announcement on impeachment inquiry, the US Senate unanimously supported “for the whistleblower complaint to be provided to Congress.” As CBS news writes, “House Democrats are pressing for an investigation of a call between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.” During a call, Trump talked about Biden and his son Hunter. Now, the call is subject of the “whistleblower complaint,” which “the intelligence community inspector general found as “credible” and of “urgent concern.” Joseph Maquire, acting director of national intelligence “determined that was not of urgent concern.”

US President Trump Offers “Common-Sense Compromise” to End Government Shutdown

US President Donald Trump remarks on government shutdown and immigration

The U.S. President Donald Trump offered his plans for ending the partial government shutdown and solving “crisis at the Southern border.” Trump called his plan “common-sense compromise” and said this is “a chance for real bipartisan immigration reform.”

One of his proposals, he delivered in a speech at 3 p.m. ET, includes a “compromise” on Dreamers, who were brought into the US as a children illegally. The program that protects Dreamers offers them a protection from deportation and a work permit.

Trump tried to rescind the program. With Trump’s proposal, 700.000 Dreamers would have three more years in the U.S. with work permits. Trump would extend visas for about 300.000 Temporary Protection Status holders coming from countries affected by wars and disasters.

Here is what Trump proposed:

Legislative relief for 700.000 DACA recipients for three years

Extension of TPS for immigrants facing protection expiration

$800 million in humanitarian assistance

$805 million for drug detection technology

2.705 border agents

75 new immigration judge teams

Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said in a statement that, “initial reports make clear that his proposal is a compilation of several previously rejected initiatives, each of which is unacceptable and in total, do not represent a good faith effort to restore certainty to people’s lives.”

The partial shutdown affects about 800,000 federal workers who are not receiving their paychecks. Trump said, “I am here to break the log jam and provide Congress with a path forward to end the government shutdown and solve the crisis on the southern border.”